• 德国经济2024 2025 German Economy

    2024年德国会陷入衰退吗?路透法兰克福3月21日 - 德国央行周四在例行经济报告中表示,由于消费疲软和工业需求疲弱,德国经济可能在2024年第一季度陷入衰退。 德国经济正在复苏吗?德国经济预测预计整体经济要到下半年才会出现明显复苏。总体而言,今年经价格调整后的国内生产总值将仅比上年增长0.2%。明年经济产出将增长1.5%。 德国经济为何如此强劲?德国经济进步的驱动力是德国企业蓬勃发展的创新文化。

    2024-04-04 partners 1

  • 奔驰公司面临将本与重组Daimler CEO Warns of ‘Drastic’ Pay Cuts, Deeper Restructuring

    Christoph Rauwald | Bloomberg News July 1, 2020 3:45 PM, EDT /// Daimler CEO Warns of ‘Drastic’ Pay Cuts, Deeper Restructuring A worker checks a paint finish on the production line inside a Mercedes-Benz plant in Hungary on May 7. A worker checks a paint finish on the production line inside a Mercedes-Benz plant in Hungary on May 7. (Akos Stiller/Bloomberg News) [Ensure you have all the info you need in these unprecedented times. Subscribe now.] Daimler AG CEO Ola Kallenius said the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars and the industry as a whole face painful cutbacks to overcome the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus outbreak will force manufacturers to do more significant restructuring than they planned before the crisis erupted, Kallenius said July 1 during a webcast hosted by the German manufacturer’s main labor union, IG Metall. The “significantly harsher reality” for the industry following COVID-19 will necessitate “drastic” salary cuts, with Daimler executives facing bigger reductions than rank-and-file workers, Kallenius said. The adjustments are necessary to protect Daimler’s financial condition and safeguard huge investments in future technologies, he said. Ola Kallenius Kallenius The virus outbreak shuttered factories and showrooms across the globe, exacerbating Daimler’s struggle to execute a deep restructuring announced last year. Kallenius indicated in April that the planned measures might not be enough in light of the dramatic market contraction. The company and its peers Volkswagen AG and BMW AG are bracing for second-quarter losses. Daimler’s plan issued in November 2019 called for cutting its workforce by more than 10,000 to slash $1.6 billion from personnel spending by 2022. Another 10,000 jobs could be axed through 2025, trade magazine Automobilwoche reported last month, citing unidentified company sources. Daimler, which had about 299,000 employees at the end of 2019, called the report speculation.

    2020-07-09 15

  • 商业模式的变化带给分销商的新活法


    2018-01-11 6

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